December 24 2014

Love Your Life: Giving 100%

Elsie Law Logo“I had really found out what giving 100% was all about and that gave me an advantage against anybody who’s never really had to dig deep and sustain it. If you’re in a crisis, it’s important to have a sense of what your capacity is, how long you can sustain a given level of effort. You have to be able to pace yourself. You can’t hold back so much that you don’t do you best, but you also have to know how to not to go so hard you burn out.” -Tom Jones

Have a fly day!

Lots of Love,


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December 15 2014

Love Your Life

Get Off My Wings Logo“I believe in destiny, but I also believe that you can’t just sit back and let destiny happen…A lot of times, an opportunity might fall into your lap, but you have to be ready for that opportunity. You can’t sit there waiting on it. A lot of times you have to get out there and make it happen.” -Spike Lee

Have a fly day!

Lots of Love,


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