May 30 2014

Chaka Khan On Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou“Maya Angelou’s, ‘I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. That was the first book by a Black woman I ever read, and I remember loving it. I remember it making me feel spiritually lighter and heavier all at the same time. I could definitely get with the metaphor. I didn’t process my feelings at the time, but looking back, I now know what it did for me: It held out hope while it told truth. Tough, rough, heavy times will be, but so too the overcoming. ‘Caged Bird’ would stay with me over the years and I still think it’s beautiful.” -From, “Chaka: Through The Fire” By: Chaka Khan

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May 23 2014

Love Your Life: What’s Your Contribution?

Buy Black Fridays“If I could open doors for Black women in ballet, that would mean the world to me. It would all be worth it. That’s what I’m doing this for. Not just for my own pleasure and gratification. I need to remember this every morning I wake up tired, just thinking of what I could do not just for me but for others.” -Misty Copeland

Have a fly day!

Lots of Love,


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